
CO2 Refrigeration System for Meal Kit Fulfillment Center | Goodyear, Arizona

A groundbreaking project in sustainability and scope

CoolSys worked with Milord Company, a general contractor, to provide a comprehensive range of MEPR and design-build services for a 325,000-square-foot facility buildout. The project is one of the largest transcritical CO2 refrigeration installations in U.S. history. A first-of-its-kind fulfillment center for our client, the new facility will handle food processing, cooking, freezing and shipping for their high-quality meal kits, all from a single location.

A Model for Sustainability

The CO2 refrigeration system in the new processing plant has a global warming potential (GWP) rating of 1, which makes it a model for sustainability in the U.S. CoolSys is a nationwide leader in the design and installation of transcritical CO2 systems and other low-GWP refrigerant options.

Read the Industrial CO2 Refrigeration business cases to learn how CoolSys delivered:

  • A custom energy-efficient transcritical CO2 system able to handle outside temperature variations of 80 degrees or more
  • A solution that uses far less water than other options
  • Helped secure $1M in capital cost avoidance
  • Engineered a precise airflow to help avoid air contamination
Experts in CO2 Systems

Contact us today for a quote or to learn more about our services. Multi-location discounts are available.

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Read the CO2 Refrigeration Design-Build Case Study

Challenge: Going Sub-Zero in the desert

Read the CO2 Refrigeration Engineering Case Study

Challenge: Sheer Size and Complexity of the Facility

A Unique Range of Capabilities

CoolSys provides a uniquely comprehensive range of best-in-class service solutions for the industrial, retail and commercial refrigeration and HVAC industries. Starting from project estimating and design, to purchasing, building and installation, and including ongoing service and maintenance, our CoolSys experts collaborate to provide a seamless customer experience for every project—regardless of size. We also offer standalone services within our wide range of capabilities.

Request a Quote or Learn More about Industrial CO2 Refrigeration Solutions

For more information on our engineering, design-build, or CO2 and other low-GWP refrigerant projects and solutions, contact us.

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